![Dr Hamidu](/sites/agric.knust.edu.gh/files/2017-12/hamidu.jpg)
Dr Jacob Alhassan HAMIDU
Phone: Cellular:+233 (0) 262976331; +233 (0) 509253974
Email: jahamidu@gmail.com
Department: Animal Science
Office: Animal Science Department
Office Hours: By appointment
Address: Department of Animal Science
Faculty of Agriculture KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana
Brief Info
Dr. Hamidu, a lecturer at the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture obtained his BSc Agriculture degree in 2002 at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi. He went on to complete his MSc and PhD in Animal Science in 2006 and 2011 respectively at the University of Alberta, Canada, specializing in Poultry Embryology and Physiology. From May 2011 to December 2012, he was appointed to a post-doctoral fellowship position as Hatching Egg and Hatchery Incubation Scientist at the Poultry Research Centre, University of Alberta. In January 2013 he joined the Department of Animal Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology as lecturer and a poultry/hatchery specialist. Dr. Hamidu has broad training in in Poultry Sciecne including animal embryology, poultry embryonic cell death and survival, molecular biology and animal energetics. Dr. Hamidu has published widely including in the Poultry Science journal, Canadian Journal of Engineering, and the Ghana Journal of Animal Science. He is current a member of both recognized international and local Poultry Associations.
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Major Responsibilities
Teaching, Research and Extension
Undergraduate Courses:
- AS 158: Growth and development of farm animals
- AS 251: Principles of Animal Breeding
- AS 451: Animal Improvement Programmes
- AGB 252: Animal and Fisheries Biotechnology
- AGB 356: Animal Embryology
- AS 456: Reproductive physiology: Poultry option
Graduate Courses (Under development)
- Incubation and early post-hatch chick management
- New topics in cell biology
- Practices and experimental molecular biology
- Application of statistical analysis and SAS software
- Communication in Science
Research Interests
My research focuses on studying conditions affecting hatching eggs and chick quality and using biological and molecular tools to providing answers to fundamental science questions affecting poultry productivity. Major research themes include hatching egg and incubation, embryology, layer, broiler and broiler breeder management, avian fertility, and basic research in animal science.
Specific areas of research interest include:
- Factors affecting local poultry industry survival
- Conditions of heat stress and energetics in modern and local poultry strains
- Embryo metabolism and its implications on hatching egg performance
- Incubation temperature effects on post-hatch chick quality
- Identification of functional genes in poultry that may be linked to embryo viability
- Molecular mechanisms of embryo survival including programmed cell death
- Characterization of genes linked to naked neck poultry strains and their mechanism of heat resistance in the tropics
Current Research
- Chick quality analysis of local and exotic chicken breeds
- Hatchability of Naked Neck chicken eggs as influenced by different egg storage temperatures, periods of storage and turning frequency during incubation
- Increasing broiler production in Ghana through incubation and specialist intervention
- Best hatchery practice to reduce late embryonic losses during incubation in multistage incubation systems in Ghana
- Common factors affecting hatchability in Ghanaian hatcheries
- Effect of cold or room temperature egg storage on early blastoderm development and egg quality
- Effects of boiler feed withdrawal time on broiler meat yield in Ghana
- Hamidu, J. A. 2013. Theory and practice of administrative leadership in education. In Mhil/MSc Educational innovations and leadership science. IDL Course MEI 555 KNUST.
Journal Articles
- Uddin, Z., and J. A. Hamidu. 2013. Prolong egg storage affects broiler breeder embryonic metabolism and chick quality. International Journal of Poultry Science (Accepted)
- Hamidu, J. A. 2013. Effects of turkey egg storage duration on expression of apoptosis genes. Ghanaian Journal Animal Science 7:69-75.
- Hamidu, J. A., Z. Uddin, G. M. Fasenko, L. L. Guan, and D. R. Barreda. 2011. Broiler egg storage induces cell death and influences embryo quality. Poultry Science 90:1749-1757.
- Hamidu, J. A., G. M. Fasenko, L. L. Guan, D. R. Barreda, and J. J. R. Feddes. 2011 Influence of parent flock age on embryonic metabolism in modern turkey strains. Poultry Science 90:426-434.
- Hamidu, J. A., A. Rieger, G. M. Fasenko and D. R. Barreda. 2010. Dissociation of chicken blastoderm for examination of apoptosis and necrosis by flow cytometry. Poultry Science 89: 901-909.
- Hamidu, J. A., J. J. R. Feddes, C. A. Ouellette and G. M. Fasenko. 2010. The respiration of an avian embryo measured by an indirect calorimetric system. Canadian Biosystems Engineering 52:4-9.
- Fasenko, G. M., E. E. O’Dea Christopher, and J. A. Hamidu. 2009. Embryo metabolism. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 99-105.
- Hamidu, J. A., G. M. Fasenko, J. J. R. Feddes, E. E. O’Dea, C. A. Ouellette, M. J. Wineland, and V. L. Christensen. 2007. The effect of broiler breeder genetic strain and parent flock age on eggshell conductance and embryonic metabolism. Poultry Science 86:2420-2432.
Case and Teaching Materials
- J. A. Hamidu. 2007. Principles and operation of the embryonic metabolism system. Poultry Research Centre, University of Alberta. Canada
Conference Presentations and Workshop
- Hamidu, J. A., C. A. Torres, M. L. Johnson, and D. R. Korver. 2013. Effect of hen age and late incubation temperature on embryo development. 1. Embryonic metabolism. Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting. July 22-25. 2013. San Diego, California.
- Torres, C. A., J. A. Hamidu, M. L. Johnson, and D. R. Korver. 2013. Effect of hen age and late incubation temperature on embryo development. 4. Bone development. July 22-25. 2013. San Diego, California.
- Adomako, K., O. S. Olympio, J. A. Hamidu, F. D. Akortu, R. Aboagye Poku, H. Fordjour. 2013. Effects of genotype and feather colour on egg quality traits of local-exotic crossbred. Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Society of Animal Production, July 2013. University of Ghana, Legon.
- Addison, D., O. S. Olympio, K. Adomako, J. A. Hamidu, R. Aboagye Poku, H. Fordjour. 2013. The effect of three different feather genotypes on the laying performance of two lines of layer parents. Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Society of Animal Production, July 2013. University of Ghana, Legon.
- Dunga, G. T., O. S. Olympio, K. Adomako, J. A. Hamidu, R. Aboagye Poku. 2013. The effect of the naked neck (Na) and frizzling (F) genes on the feather arrnagment of chickens. Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Society of Animal Production, July 2013. University of Ghana, Legon.
- Hamidu, J. A., C. A. Torres, M. L.Johnson, and D. R. Korver. 2012. Effect of hen age and late incubation temperature on embryo development. 1. Embryonic metabolism. Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting. July 9-12. 2012. Athens, Georgia.
- Hamidu, J. A., C. A. Torres, M. L.Johnson, and D. R. Korver. 2012. Effect of hen age and late incubation temperature on embryo development. 2. Chick quality. Poultry Science Association annual meeting. July 9-12. 2012. Athens, Georgia.
- Hamidu, J. A., G. M. Fasenko, D. R. Barreda and L. L. Guan. 2011. Effects of broiler egg storage on cell death. Incubation and fertility research group (poster). WPSA Working group 6: Reproduction. August-29 and 30, 2011. Ede, the Netherlands.
- Hamidu, J. A., D. R. Barreda and L. L. Guan. 2011. Fundamental difference between and broilers and turkeys (poster). 5thworkshop on fundamental physiology and perinatal development in poultry, August 30-September 4. Wageningen, the Netherlands.
- Hamidu, J. A., L. L. Guan and D. R. Barreda. 2011. New perspective in egg storage: Cellular and molecular implications on embryo quality. 100th annual meeting of the Poultry Science Association, July 16-19, St. Louis, Missouri.
- Hamidu J. A. 2011. The fundamental difference between chicken and turkey (Poster presentation). Poultry Research Centre 25 Anniversary Meeting. June 3, 2011. Edmonton, Alberta.
- Hamidu, J. A. 2011. The future of food and farming: Challenges and changes for global sustainability. Workshop on research and development strategic priority forum at the Poultry Research Centre, February 3, 2011. Edmonton, Alberta.
- Hamidu, A. A., Z. Uddin, G. M. Fasenko, and D. R. Barreda. 2010. Impact of egg storage on blastodermal cell viability and embryonic metabolism in broiler breeders (Poster presentation). Joint Annual Meeting of ADSA-PSA-AMPA-CSAS-ASAS. July 11-15. Denver, Colorado.
- Hamidu, J. A., M. Li, G. M. Fasenko, and L. L. Guan. 2010. Effect of egg storage conditions on gene expression during turkey embryonic development. Joint Annual Meeting of ADSA-PSA-AMPA-CSAS-ASAS. July 11-15. Denver, Colorado.
- Hamidu, J. A., A. Rieger, G. M. Fasenko, and D. R. Barreda. 2010. Effects of egg storage on broiler breeder blastodermal cell viability. Canadian Hatching Egg Producers Association Annual General meeting. March 24, 2010. Ottawa, Ontario,
- Hamidu, J. A., M. Li, G. M. Fasenko, and L. L. Guan. 2010. Effect of egg storage conditions on gene expression during turkey embryonic development. Praire Poultry Meeting. June 8 and 9, 2010. Edmonton, Alberta.
- Hamidu, J. A., G. M. Fasenko, D. R. Barreda, and L. L. Guan. 2010. Effects of broiler egg storage on cell death (Poster presentation). Poultry Research Centre Annual General Meeting. May 25, 2010. Edmonton, Alberta.
- Hamidu, J. A., A. Rieger, G. M. Fasenko and D. A. Barreda. 2009. Does chicken egg storage affect chicken embryo cell viability. Incubation and fertility research group. WPSA Working group 6: Reproduction. July 7 and 8, 2009. University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk, UK.
- Hamidu, J. A., A. Rieger, G. M. Fasenko and D. A. Barreda. 2009. Does chicken egg storage affect chicken embryo cell viability. Poultry Research Centre Annual General Meeting. June 2 and 3, 2009. Poster Session. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Hamidu, J. A. 2008. Cell death in chicken embryos. Poultry Research Centre general annual meeting, May 26th 2008. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Hamidu, J. A., G. M. Fasenko, E. E. O’Dea, and J. J. F. Feddes. 2008. Influence of turkey genetic selection and parent flock age on embryonic metabolism. 97th Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting. July 20th 2006. Niagara Falls, Ontario.
- Hamidu, J. A. 2007. Factors affecting turkey embryonic metabolism, avian cell Viability and hatchability. Presentation made to AviTech staff. Oct. 3, 2007. Edmonton, Alberta.
- Hamidu, J. A., G. M. Fasenko, J. J. R. Feddes, E. E. O'Dea and C. A. Ouellette. 2007. Does broiler breeder flock age influence embryonic metabolism in different genetic strains? Joint Annual Meeting of ADS PSA AMPA ASAS. July 9, 2007. San Antonio, Texas.
- Hamidu, J. A., G. M. Fasenko, E. E. O’Dea, J. J. R. Feddes, C. A. Ouellette, V. L. Christensen and M. J. Wineland. 2007. Is it hot in here? Or is it just me? Poultry Research Centre Annual General Meeting, June 5th, 2007. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Hamidu, J. A., G. M. Fasenko, E. E. O’Dea, J. J. R. Feddes, C. A. Ouellette, V. L. Christensen and M. J. Wineland. 2007. Is it hot in here? Or is it just me? Alberta Hatching Egg Producers Annual General Meeting. February 27th 2007. Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
- Hamidu, J. A., G. M. Fasenko, J. J. R. Feddes, E. E. O'Dea and C. A. Ouellette. 2006. Broiler parent flock age influences embryonic metabolism. 95th Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting. July 17, 2006. Edmonton, Alberta.
- Hamidu, J. A. 2006. The Effect of Broiler Genetic Strain and Parent Flock Age on Eggshell Conductance and Embryonic Metabolism. Thesis defense presentation in partial fulfillment of the criteria for the Master of Science degree in Animal Science. October 6, 2006. Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta.
- Hamidu, J. A., G. M. Fasenko, J. J. R. Feddes, E. E. O'Dea and C. A. Ouellette. 2006. Broiler parent flock age influences embryonic metabolism. Page 56 in proceedings of the 95th annual meeting of the Poultry Science Association. 16 – 19th July. Edmonton, Alberta.
- Hamidu, J. A., L. K. Secretan, J. A. Pasternak, E. E. O’Dea, and G. M. Fasenko, E. O’Dea, 2005. The effect of turkey egg storage on embryonic metabolism. Prairie Poultry Meeting. University of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta.
- Hamidu, J. A., L. K. Secretan, J. A. Pasternak, G. M. Fasenko and E. E. O’Dea, 2005. Effect of Turkey Egg Storage on Embryonic Metabolism. The Third Annual Bentley Lecture in Sustainable Agriculture, Poster Session. University of Alberta, Lister Hall. October 13, 2005.
- Hamidu, J. A., C. C. Atuahene and A. Donkoh. 2004. Establishing a standard diet for grasscutter production. 13th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Association of Animal Science, University of Development Studies, Tamale. August 20 – 22, 2004.
- Hamidu, J. A and O. S. Olympio. 2004. Review: The effects of phytase in chicken and pig diet. 13th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Association of Animal Science, August 20 – 22, 2004. University of Development Studies, Tamale..
- Olympio, O. S., Hamidu, J. A. and M. E. Adih. 2003. Comparison of three different broiler litter materials: wood shavings, rice husk and combination of wood shavings and rice husk. 13th Biennial conference of the Ghana Society of Animal Production. August 7 – 9, 2003. University of Cape Coast. Cape Coast.
Other publications
Peer Reviewed Abstracts
- Hamidu, J. A., C. A. Torres, M. L. Johnson, and D. R. Korver. 2013. Effect of hen age and late incubation temperature on embryo development. 1. Embryonic metabolism. Poult. Sci. 91: 13 Suppl. 1 (Abstr.).
- Torres, C. A., J. A. Hamidu, M. L. Johnson, and D. R. Korver. 2013. Effect of hen age and late incubation temperature on embryo development. 4. Bone development. Poult. Sci. 91: 14 Suppl. 1 (Abstr.).
- Hamidu, J. A., C. A. Torres, M. L. Johnson, and D. R. Korver. 2012. Effect of hen age and late incubation temperature on embryo development. 1. Embryonic metabolism. Poult. Sci. 91: 13 Suppl. 1 (Abstr.).
- Hamidu, J. A., C. A. Torres, M. L. Johnson, and D. R. Korver. 2012. Effect of hen age and late incubation temperature on embryo development. 2. Chick quality. Poult. Sci. 91: 13 Suppl. 1 (Abstr.).
- Johnson, M. L., J. A. Hamidu, C. A. Torres, and D. R. Korver. 2012. Effect of hen age and late incubation temperature on embryo development. 3. Early innate immune function. Poult. Sci. 91: 14 Suppl. 1 (Abstr.).
- Torres, C. A., J. A. Hamidu, M. L. Johnson, and D. R. Korver. 2012. Effect of hen age and late incubation temperature on embryo development. 4. Bone development. Poult. Sci. 91: 14 Suppl. 1 (Abstr.).
- Hamidu, J. A., L. L. Guan and D. R. Barreda. 2011. New perspective in egg storage: Cellular and molecular implications on embryo quality. Poult. Sci. Vol. 90, E-Suppl. 1: 295 (Abstr.).
- Hamidu, J. A., Z. Uddin, G. M. Fasenko, and D. R. Barreda. 2010. Impact of egg storage on blastodermal cell viability and embryonic metabolism in broiler breeders. Poult Sci. Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1: 119 (Abstr.).
- Hamidu, J. A., M. Li, G. M. Fasenko, and L. L. Guan. 2010. Effect of egg storage conditions on gene expression during turkey embryonic development. Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1: 226 (Abstr.).
- Reiger, A., J. A. Hamidu, D. C. Ayres, N. Girard, B. Nono and D. R. Barreda. 2009. Re-evaluation of the use of propidium in flow cytometry based apoptosis assays. ImmuNet Retreat. Page 33 (Abstr.).
- Hamidu, J. A. G. M. Fasenko, E. E. O’Dea, and J. J. F. Feddes. 2008. Influence of turkey genetic selection and parent flock age on embryonic metabolism. Poult. Sci. Vol. 87. Suppl. 1: 33 (Abstr.).
- Hamidu, J. A., G. M. Fasenko, E. E. O’Dea, J. J. R. Feddes, C. A. Ouellette, V. L. Christensen and M. J. Wineland. 2007. Does broiler breeder flock age influence embryonic metabolism in different genetic strains? Poult. Sci. Vol. 86. Suppl. 1: 165 (Abstr.).
- Hamidu, J. A., G. M. Fasenko, J. J. R. Feddes, E. E. O'Dea and C. A. Ouellette. 2006. Broiler parent flock age influences embryonic metabolism. Poult. Sci. Vol. 85. Suppl. 1: 56 (Abstr.).
Factsheet/News bulletins
- Factsheet #6 - Incubation of modern broiler hatching eggs - Part 1 - Ross 308. http://www.fasenkolab.com/research.html. www.poultryresearchcenter.ca.
- Factsheet #7 - Incubation of modern broiler hatching eggs - Part 2 - Cobb 500. http://www.fasenkolab.com/research.html; www.poultryresearchcenter.ca.
- PSA Hatchery Newsletter. 2009. Reduced hatchability: The cell death factor. Vol. 1 Issue 1. http://poultryscience.org/docs/.
Appointments/Employment Records & Positions Held
- Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Alberta (2011-2012)
- Lecturer, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (2013 to Present)
Honours and Awards
- Post-doctoral research fellowship award, 2011-2012
- Graduate Students Association Professional development grant, 2010
- Government of Alberta Graduate Citizenship Award, 2009
- Canadian Broiler Hatching Egg Producer’s Association Scholarship, 2009
- Best poster for visual impact presentation at the Ph.D. level, Poultry Research Centre Annual General Meeting, 2009
- Best table topic speaker, Millwoods Toasmaster’s club, Canada, 2008
- Pacific Egg and Poultry Science Scholarship, 2006
- Graduate student research assistantship awards, 2004-2010)
Any others Responsibilities
Community Service
- Member, Website Management Committee, College of Agriculture of Natural Resources
- Member, Examination malpractice investigation committee, Faculty of Agriculture
- Environment and Utility Manager, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture
- Academic tutorship and mentorship of Graduate and undergraduate students, Faculty of Agriculture
- Teachers Trainer and Assistant Co-ordinator, Children Sunday School. Protestant Chaplaincy, KNUST
- Member, Development and Social Services committee, Bethel Presby, Asuoyeboa
Journal review
- World’s Poultry Science Journal
- Poultry Science
- Reproductive Biology subsidiary of Elsevier Health Science
- Ghana Journal of Animal science
- Collaborator, Research on eggshell quality determination, University of Alberta, Canada
- Poultry breeder management, hatchery and incubation specialist
- Grasscutter breeding, reproduction and nutrition